rss posts cheat sheets

Newspaper (or TV program or events from a city) are often published as rss feeds and are dumped in the rss_posts table. You can ask simple question like “Was my Organization mentioned reasonly?” or “How often is the keyword used”. (technical preview, dynamic data update will be implemented this year)

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Gdelt GKG 2.1 Cheat Sheet

I copy a part of the gdelt dataset to a local mysql database. The field definition is the same as in the original dataset. Below a short field description of the Gdelt table gkg v 2.1 (taken from the original paper). Not every column is copied in the local mysql table, note field InDatacoll: 1 = yes, 0 = no. Currently i have no regular updates for this table. I plan to have the last 3 weeks accessible.

GKGRECORDID used as primary key and for monthly partitioning.

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