About ralf
I studied Geology at University Erlangen and got my PhD (bio-nanotechnology) at TU Dresden. In my spare time i program simulations and tinker around with data prediction methods. Frisbee is my favorite sport and i play guitar when my friends and i meet to make some music.
Newspaper (or TV program or events from a city) are often published as rss feeds and are dumped in the rss_posts table. You can ask simple question like “Was my Organization mentioned reasonly?” or “How often is the keyword used”. … Continue reading →
Posted in datacoll
Tagged rss
I copy a part of the gdelt dataset to a local mysql database. The field definition is the same as in the original dataset. Below a short field description of the Gdelt table gkg v 2.1 (taken from the original … Continue reading →
Error thrown
Call to a member function id() on array